Single Fold Access Ramps

Besides the multi-fold access ramps, another type of folding access ramp would be the single-fold access ramp.  Not unlike the multi-fold access ramp, the single-fold access ramp is also designed to fold but instead of folding in more than one part, the single-fold access ramp, like its name states, can be folded in half either for storage or for transportation purposes as it utilizes a single hinge system for folding.  This feature which enables the single-fold access ramp to be folded in half also renders it easy to handle in addition to being relatively compact if compared to other types of folding access ramps. 

Usually, single-fold access ramps are made out of a lightweight material, typically aluminum as not aluminum is not only light but also weather-resistant and durable.  The outer sides of single-fold access ramps generally come have rails to prevent accidental wheel slippage from the path while in use.  Also, the surface of single-fold access ramps are also lined with anti-slip rubber (or rubber-like material) for increased safety as well as traction.  For improved stability and security, single-fold access ramps are usually equipped with sliding hinges that can be bolted and security pins.  This is to avoid the single-fold access ramps’ channels or paths from accidentally slipping during usage.  Most single-access ramps come in a variety of sizes to accommodate individual needs and requirements.

In comparison to the other types of access ramps available, or even other folding access ramps, single-fold access ramps are not capable of holding too much weight.  Since they are designed to be compact, single-fold access ramps can usually take up to maybe 600 pounds of weight at a given time.  Single-fold access ramps are rarely able to take up to 1,000 pounds of weight.  At most, single-fold access ramps may have a maximum capacity of 800 pounds at best.  Since single-fold access ramps are not able to take on considerable weight, single-fold access ramps are not recommended for permanent use as in the pursuit of compactness, although their construction is sturdy, and the presence of hinges, these features unfortunately render them less solid than more permanent or heavier duty access ramps.  Thus, single-fold access ramps are ideal for intermittent use as its primary design feature is its portability and compactness.

Single-fold access ramps are relatively cheap, where lower end ones may cost around USD $150.00.  Bigger and wider single-fold access ramps which have a higher weight capacity can set one back about USD $400.00.  Comparatively speaking, the price for single-fold access ramps are still cheaper compared to other types of access ramps.  Seeing that single-fold access ramps are ideally used on a less permanent basis and typically for (and during) transportation purposes, sometimes it might be more cost-effective to rent single-fold access ramps instead especially when transportation is not a regular activity.  However, single-fold access ramps can be obtained at comparatively cheap prices online as there are usually discounts. 

Besides brand new single-fold access ramps, secondhand single-fold access ramps are also worth considering since they are relatively durable, not too much wear and tear is to be expected.  It is wise though to actually view the goods before committing to a sale as sometimes, single-fold access ramps may be damaged, especially at the hinges.